Thursday, July 22, 2004


Caroline Glick’s latest column at the Jerusalem Post is entitled Warfare 101. The premise of the article is that in a war you cannot afford to let the enemy control and frame the images of the fight that the media broadcasts to the world.

She relates the story of a battle fought this past spring in Najaf, Iraq where US forces fought a pitched six hour battle over a burning humvee. Certainly, US forces did not have to fight over this humvee. It was not the only humvee available to US forces, but the Forces refused to surrender the humvee to the insurgents.  It was the potential media opportunity that US forces could not allow the insurgents to have.  She quotes a US Forces officer:

"We weren't going to let them dance on it for the news. Even with all the guys they lost that day, that still would have given them a victory." 

Reading a National Post article on the CRTC decision revoking CHOI-FM’s license, I was reminded of Glick’s current article. I had one of those big pause moments and thought how truly masterful the Liberals have been in hijacking the media and the educational system; which effectively allowed them to control the dialogue in Canada since 1968.  

Canadians have had relatively few choices about what we can hear on the airwaves or in our newspapers. The only diversity of thought for years has come to mean you can chose left, lefter and so far left you drop off the face of the world.  Does anyone remember a time when the Globe and Mail was a conservative paper? During the past election one of the most effective platforms for the Liberals was an attack against Stephen Harper and the “secret hidden” agenda. It was so secret that I still don’t know what it is.  Most Canadians seem to be more worried about a secret hidden agenda than Liberal larceny, cronyism and the steady erosion of our freedoms under the Liberal whip. 

Until there is more than a beacon of light here and there of true diversity of thought-- don’t look for the Fox News Network on a cable station near you any time soon. Though there is cause to remain hopeful. The West is rising in a way that is inspiring and they are demanding to be served at the table. 

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