Friday, July 16, 2004


There is an interesting article in the Victoria Times Colonist about the Canadian Warship HMCS Toronto.  HMCS Toronto is on its way home from a tour of duty of the Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea. Apparently it was attached to the USS George Washington  and was part of the US navy task force.
Canada is not officially part of the Coalition of the Willing, though we are a part of the War on Terror.  Officially, Canada did not support the premise that Iraq had WMD but our current Prime Minister did give a speech in May 2004 wherein he stated that Saddam Hussein did have WMD that are now potentially in the hands of terrorists.
The Liberal party leadership speaks and acts with more nuance than a Jacques Chirac or a John Kerry.  John Kerry has been criticized for waffling on major issues; perhaps it is not because he cannot take a firm stand so much as he is just trying to speak "Canadian". 

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