Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Ceasefires Smeasefire - The Update

Ynet News is reporting seven kassams were fired into Israel today. Islamic Jihad claims credit. Who would have thought that Islamic Jihad has so wearied of its role of mediator between Fatah & Hamas so soon?
Seven Qassams were fired from Gaza toward the western Negev Wednesday, marking a record number of rockets that landed in Israel since the agreed upon truce with the Palestinian Authority went into effect last month. A senior Israel Defense Forces official told Ynet that “Israel’s policy toward the incessant Qassam rocket fire may be interpreted as a sign of weakness.”

This brings the grand total of rockets fired into Israel to 40 since the ceasefire began. Funny how both the first and now the second ceasefire agreement between Hamas & Fatah resemblances the ceasefire agreement between Israel and the PA. Any chance the word for ceasefire and fire are the same in Arabic?

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