Monday, August 22, 2005

What's my country?

I really don’t understand the appeal of these silly quizzes but I don’t seem to miss an opportunity to play along. Not too far off the mark either (as I really do have a fondness for 18th –19th Century English Rifle Men and Britannia ruling the waves and all of that - don’t even get me started on Nelson or I shall bore you senseless like I do my children) but I really don’t like the Beatles and who are Oasis?

the United Kingdom!

You're a much weaker person than you used to be, but you still
act like you did when everyone looked up to you. Despite this, you're
probably a better person than you were when you had so much power over those
around you. Though you do have a strange fascination with jewels and monarchs,
which lets you play in castles, but also end up leading a sort of tabloid lifestyle.
You really like the Beatles, even more than you like Oasis.

Take the Country
at the Blue Pyramid

Via NorthWestWinds


Curt said...

"I really do have a fondness for 18th –19th Century English Rifle Men and Britannia ruling the waves and all of that - don’t even get me started on Nelson or I shall bore you senseless... but I really don’t like the Beatles and who are Oasis?"

Kate, you do slay me from time to time. ;-) I'm knee deep in fiction from that period right this moment...

K. Shoshana said...
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K. Shoshana said...

Curt - who are you reading? Sharpe, Flashman, Donachie, Kent, O'Brien? I have an absolute weakness for Sharpe Series and even collected the dvd series with the low production values and butchered scripts.

Curt said...

I'm on the third book in the Aubrey - Maturin series by O'Brian. They are fantastic; I'll probably wind up reading all 20.