Saturday, August 13, 2005

I wonder why PETA didn't start this protest in Newfoundland?

The Daily News of Halifax is carrying this story online.

This time, PETA was in town to harp about carp.

Members of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals stood near the Spring Garden Road library yesterday handing out trading cards designed to show children “the ugly side” of eating fish.

“Fish sticks and tuna salad are made out of germy, rotting fish bodies,” says one of the cards depicting a human character named Ill Bill. “Fish have to live in water so dirty that you would never dream of drinking it, but you’re swallowing that sewer sludge every time you eat fish.” Another card shows a character called Dumb Dave. “Dave’s brain started rotting away after he ate toxic fish,” it says. “All fish contain poison. The mercury, lead, PCBs, and other chemicals found in fish make you lose your memory and turn you into a klutz.”

The cards are “a fun, gross, kid approach to getting (children) to realize what exactly happens if you eat fish,” said Karin Robertson, a PETA organizer from Norfolk, Va. Eating fish puts your health at risk and supports cruelty to animals, said Robertson, a vegan. “We would never think it’s OK to cut open a dog or a cat while they’re still struggling and trying to get away,” she said. “But that is the reality for fish on commercial fishery vessels, and also on fish farms.”

I had to snicker about this. I haven’t been in Nova Scotia since the Eighties but it use to have many a roadside Mom & Pop stands selling deep fried fish, shrimp and scallops and boiled lobster - when in season. Certainly the stands out numbered local franchises of McDonalds by at least 200:1. Good grief, what’s next - PETA goes to the Reserves?

(tipped off by Neale News)

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