Thursday, August 25, 2005

My Brother’s Keeper

This short article from the Jerusalem Post illustrates only to well how Palestinian Arabs have fared in the home and at the hand of their Arab brethren.
The Lebanese Ministry of Education in Beirut announced that Palestinian refugee children in Lebanon will now be able to study in government-funded schools.

Until the Lebanese Ministry of Education made this announcement yesterday all children of Palestinian ethnicity in Lebanon were only able to attend UNRWA run schools which did not offer any relevant post-elementary educational opportunities. Secondary School education and above was simply beyond the reach for most children from Palestinian homes, and with the exception of Jordan; this situation is not unique for Palestinian refugees in other Arab countries.

The irony of the situation is that without exception the invading Arab forces of 1948-49 actively encouraged Palestinian Arabs to flee enmass from the fledging Jewish state for their own good. But of course, in Arab eyes Israel remains the Apartheid State where Palestinian Arab children of the Israeli state have received state funded education and full rights of citizenship with the exception of mandatory military conscription since the founding of the modern state of Israel in 1948.

Go figure.

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