Thursday, August 04, 2005

Know thy Enemies

I concede calling the war “the Global War on Terrorism” and changing that name to the “Global War on Violent Extremism” is just flat out dumber rather than being merely just dumb. Unfortunately, I am afraid the next name incantation will land the Bush Administration into the dumbest name ever category. The innate danger of refusing to say exactly what you mean is that you become the subject of ridicule. Crack what jokes you will but make no mistake; we are at war and the enemy is Islamic Fascism.

I have created a new law. The next time someone invokes Juan Cole’s name in an article, newspaper or blog and cites him as an authority the argument is condemned into irrelevancy.

Among the Romani the world is divided into us and them. They refer to everyone who is not born Romani as “gagjo” which translates into English roughly as “one who is easily duped”. Slinger is a gagjo.

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