Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Well isn’t that just peachy!

Haaretz is reporting this:
Iran has made a new breakthrough in its controversial nuclear programme, successfully using biotechnology to extract larger and cheaper quantities of uranium concentrate from its mines, state television reported.

Quoting the unnamed manager of the project, state television said on Monday night that "the new technique used for the production of yellowcake will reduce costs, and efficiency will increase one hundred-fold as well."
Iran hitherto used acid to turn uranium ore mined in its central desert region into yellowcake. Using biotechnology, the television report said, would be better for the environment.

Iranian officials have recently boasted that while some sensitive parts of the atomic programme were frozen during the last two years while negotiations were held with the West, Iran's atomic scientists have been busy perfecting other, less sensitive, parts of the nuclear fuel cycle.

All I can say is thank G-d for negotiating skills of the French, German and Brits. I am sure that we all can sleep better at night knowing that the last 18 months of dithering with Iran has made this breakthrough possible. I just hope we can all live to see what the next round of dithering will bring us.

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