Monday, May 05, 2008

Palestinian Work Accident…oh the infamy, the infamy.

The Jerusalem Post is reporting that another smuggler's tunnel has collapsed:
In related news, Palestinian officials said two Gaza men were killed when a cross-border smuggling tunnel collapsed on them.

The Gaza Health Ministry says five other people were wounded in Monday's collapse. One body was found soon after the collapse and the other several hours later. Security officials said the tunnel was under construction at the time.

Such collapses are common along the Gaza Strip's border with Egypt. Smuggling tunnels in the area have become an important route for goods and a lucrative business. Palestinian smugglers use the tunnels to move weapons and contraband into Gaza. Israel and Egypt are blockading the territory in an attempt to weaken the Hamas government and end ongoing rocket fire at Israeli towns.

The collapse of the tunnel was the direct result of the ongoing Israeli blockade. If the smugglers had the good fortune to live in a world without an Israeli blockade, the smugglers' would not be forced to use inferior products and/or materials in the making of their tunnels. The tragic death of this smuggler and injuries inflicted on his associates represent a dark day for this community of thieves and slackers everywhere.

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