Friday, May 23, 2008

dubious values

Maybe I am feeling a trifle overtly sensitive due to the after effects of a nasty root canal or it could just be I’m just not up on all the cool hip lingo...all of which are distinct possibilities. Anyhoo, I read this line at the usually painful to read bastion of politically correctness newspeak and nearly fell off my chair. Taken from Toronto Star.
One wag remarked that Israelis would quickly warm to a peace deal with Syria once they realize such a pact would make it possible to drive from Jerusalem to Paris.

WTF is a “wag”, and then explain to me how this is a term of endearment rather than a nasty epithet of an unsavory nature ‘cause I don’t get it. Of course, I do not get the whole concept of Israelis being able to drive from Jerusalem to Paris as a bonus or boon when one considers the risk of ending up being kidnapped by Parisienne Youth on the prowl or having to drive through the French suburbs with Israeli license plates on your car. There really are valid reasons why immigration from France to Israel is at an all time high.


Balbulican said...

A 'wag' is a slightly out-dated term for a "wit", an Oscar Wilde or Doroty Parker type. It has no negative connotation that I'm aware of.

K. Shoshana said...

Okay, this alleged 'wit' suggests Jews are all money grubbing materialists...and this the height of humour...of course, I never got the jokes in the Merchant of Venice either...

Balbulican said...

Hey, don't shoot the dictionnary.