Thursday, February 22, 2007

Hugh Hefner to the rescue

This has to be one of the most Machiavellian ideas I read in some time. I am quoting a bit longer than I normally would from a fellow blogger but I think it’s important to get a true taste of the idea. Taken from Samson Blinded:

No amount of rational discourse would discredit Islam in fanatics’ eyes. They don’t distinguish Islam from AK-47: both form the one source of their power, strength in the crumbling paternalistic order and hopeless economy. Coca-cola and jeans did a tremendous job of destroying the communist empire whose economic deficiency failed to meet consumerist demands. In Islamic societies which depend on imports, Coke and jeans are not symbolic of the free world. Porn is.

There is two forces able to destroy any religion or ideology in the short run, fission and fusion weapons of ideological war: money and sex. Muslim fanatics cannot get money because they utterly lack economic skills. But sex –they could have an illusion of it.

Instead of the bombs and food packages, drop porn magazines and CD’s on Afghanistan. Broadcast porn from satellites and distribute free satellite dishes. Open adult shops in prominent locations, even if guarded by US Army platoons. The war with Islamic insurgents is not decided by weapons.

Rather, the West must deprive Muslims of their best weapon: a soldier who isn’t afraid to die, a supporter who wants to die a suicide bomber. Fighting the Muslims’ bodies doesn’t help: unless beaten into panic, they do want to die, and with one and a half billion Muslims around, enough recruits would flow to insurgents.

Fight their souls, destroy their commitment, offer them the pleasures of paradise – here and now. Take a free porn magazine, pal, and enjoy it without waiting for heavenly houri. Hollywood is better than heavens. Muslims would prefer Hollywood.
It certainly is an audacious idea to use male sexuality to beat Islamist manifest destiny. I think Obadiah maybe on to something, but it takes a minute to get my mind around the idea of picturing the Larry Flynt's of the West as potential heroes in the WOT.


K. Shoshana said...

Steve B, that too.

I was originally thinking along the lines of bringing new meanings to the phrases lke "carpet bombing" or "cluster bombs".

Mjölnir said...

helluva idea!

I love it!

I remember reading awhile back some reporter in Pakistan said that when he went to one of the few internet cafe's they had to email some reports virtually every pc in the place was logged on to various smut sites by the young people using them.

Bombard them with cd's, dvd's, mag's you name it. I'm 200% sure Larry would cooperate in this venture.

I can see the new porn titles already:

"Bunker Busters III"
"The Happy Dhimmi"
"Allah McFeel"
"Afghanistan Booty"
"Bitches with Big Scud's"
"Mullahs Meaty Missiles"
"Anal Akbar!"
"Mecca's Meaty Myths"

feel free to add more..
