Tuesday, November 22, 2005

There is a reason why Peres has never won a National Election

I had an email from a reader (in Europe) taking me to task for suggesting that if Shimon Peres joined the new Sharon political party it would be the political kiss of death for Sharon. But I stand by that. If Peres joined Sharon’s new party how on earth would Sharon convince any Israeli voters that he did not intend wide scale withdrawals from the current West Banks settlement blocks or even not give away Jerusalem?

If I was running the Likud campaign I make commercials and print ads utilizing pictures taken from the Gaza withdrawals of soldiers evicting settlers from their homes and suggest that if you vote Sharon your turn will be next. In the commercials, I would use a voice over of Sharon in the last election condemning and ridiculing Labour’s plan to withdraw from Gaza. Actually, if I was running the campaign whether Peres joined or not, I would still do that and ask, “How could you live with yourself if you voted for any party that would make your mother homeless?” Or how about, “Do you really think peace will be possible when your mother is homeless?”

But then again, I have been criticized as being a little too blunt for the mainstream and I really like my mother.

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