Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Gods & Artists

Credit has to go to Candace at Waking Up at Planet X for finding this newbie blogger - Johnny Pockets @ Gods & Artists.

Normally, a real newbie would just go on my mental watch list with a note to "watch and read" for a couple of months, but I have to hand it to Johnny Pockets for creating the Libscam Wiki entry detailing the Liberal misdeeds since 1993.

The list is well over 100 and it is only detailing the period from 1993 to October 2005. Only #1-79 covers the Chrétien years – which strikes me, as a little thin, but maybe not all the sleeping dogs are awake yet. Martin’s tenure goes from #80-199 and there is still time to keep the numbers growing. Frankly, reading the list from 1-199 caused my right eye to start twitching by number 96. I figure that if Martin's -re-elected with a majority government I'll go blind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I noticed over at Autonomous Source that you've given me credit for the 199 scams list. In fact, as credited on the Libscam wiki, my source of the list was Blue Blogging Soapbox. He first listed it back in, I think, early November.

I'm just taking the list and expanding on it by providing background facts. Just want to make sure that I'm not taking any undue credit.