Wednesday, November 01, 2006

observation offered with no comment

This Jerusalem Post article has been much commented on in the part of the blogsphere I often travel but why let that stop me?
Palestinians are leaving the territories due to the harsh security and economic situation there, the Palestinian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday. Israel Radio reported that thousands of Palestinians have received permits to emigrate to Arab and other foreign countries.

Ahmed Suboh, a Palestinian Foreign Ministry official, said at a Ramallah press conference that over the last four months, foreign and Arab diplomats in the territories have authorized 10,000 Palestinians to enter their countries. Suboh said that some 45,000 additional emigration requests were currently being evaluated by various foreign representatives. The Foreign Ministry official noted that Palestinian emigration was likely to continue with the deterioration of the security situation.

But before singing the phrases of the hallelujah chorus one should be asking whether they are Muslim Palestinians or are they just the final remnants of what is left of the Christian Palestinian community.

1 comment:

Michael said...

With those numbers, we're probably talking about palestinian muslims. I say, good riddance to bad rubbish.