Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Indigo Steynless No More

I was bored today at lunch and decided to go lurk at Indigo Books located in the Manulife Centre. Low and behold, guess what I found one week after the fuss? At least ten copies of Mark Steyn’s America Alone, prominently displayed 2 shelves up and to the right of Robert Fisk (does anyone actually still read Fisk?) and one level above Gwynne Dyer.

Dyer’s publisher incidentally really, really, needs to find a new art director. The paper back graphics of Dwyer’s book looks like one of those low rent vanity press tomes put out by the International Socialists Workers of America Party while Steyn’s book looks positively regal.


Anonymous said...

Folks I worked for Indigo Books. Trust me, at no point was this book ever banned. It was/is a lousy seller (Hello Amazon Top 10??? Not even close in Canada...). Part of the problem is Mr Steyn has a publisher who prints in tiny quantities (apparently they too know it is a whole load of hoopla and are worried about it ending up in the 4.99 bin).

No one cares about this book except Mark Steyn fans who actively try to misrepresent the quantities in stock at the stores. Stock is available of this book and Indigo indeed sells this book... The problem really seems to be no one really cares to buy this book.

I really suspect that Mr Steyn has tried to sell more books by creating the impression of controversy where none exists.

Get a life - if the book is so great it will sell on its own without trying to make it more exciting than it is.

K. Shoshana said...

Unless your job is trolling blogs for any mention of your employer and posting comments, I suggest you get a bit more current.

Furthermore, your employer acknowledged that the demand for his book exceed their expectations and initial order, hence, they were caught short and had to wait for a second printing. If you took a minute or two to check the trades you would see Mr. Steyn's book has sold very well.