Saturday, March 04, 2006

What if you had a boycott and no one cared?

I watched Larry King Live last night on CNN only because I wanted to watch Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams face-off against Heather and Paul McCartney. I was winching every time Larry King said NEW FINLAND instead of Newfoundland. And someone needs to tell Heather that there are no humane weapons in war. I gathered that geography is not Sir Paul’s strong suit but it is all good as Danny Williams managed to convey effectively that sitting in a studio in Prince Edward Island does not mean that you are geographically located in Newfoundland.

I swear watching the McCartney’s in action were just a fount of fun facts. Like who knew that whale watching is one of Canada’s most successful industries? Does that mean we can shelve the softwood lumber talks? Or that there is an international boycott of Canadian Fish and Seafood? I ask, WHO KNEW? Apparently, the boycott isn’t that much of a success as Canadians are still pulling in $3.3 billion a year from fish and seafood exports.

According to this site most sealers are fisherman and the rationale for the boycott of Canadian fish and seafood products is to make the fisherman feel it in their pocketbooks so that they will not hunt seals. I am not sure how effective that kind of rationale is; its’ kind of like punishing grocers for selling apples by not buying bananas.

Hunting seals is no more unethical than the routine slaughter of cows, pigs, chickens or the harvesting of fish that end up packaged nice and neat in the grocery store. There is no difference. End of story. One more thing. Red Lobster and the Olive garden have been targeted by animal rights wingnutters for not joining the boycott against Canadian Fish and Seafood products. Three guesses where I am taking the Tribe out for dinner tonight.


scott said...

Great post Candace. I was in stitches listening to the McCartney’s foul up geography, stats, national industry facts as well many other things. Not to mention, they made stuff up.(ie the seals are not the reason the cod stocks are depleted.) Who raised the counter point to start with? nobody.

Oh well, on the flip side, it made for good entertainment for what I usually consider the most boring night of the week at the tube.

scott said...

Sorry Kateland, I don't know why I called you Candace. What was I thinking? My sincere apologies.

Here is a great blog to visit regarding the seal hunt. Liam is a native Newfoundlander who seems to have a good grip on this issue.