Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Exiled from the Promised Land

Ah, another disenfranchised Conservative. In hindsight, my honeymoon started to end with the Emerson Affair and it has been downhill ever since. You can claim that Harper’s wooing of Emerson was a savvy political move and completely legitimate under parliamentary rules but it was sleezy as the day is long. If I wanted another government pulling fast ones I would have voted Liberal.

Now, if Dion would stop leading his party into retreat we might all just get somewhere. I am not saying I would vote for Dion/Liberal but I am looking hard at the Green party. Of course, it would help if I could get past the “Social Justice” title of their platform. The term ‘social justice’ just happens to be one of my pet peeves. What an oxymoron - as all justice is social and I am not too grown-up to admit to being afraid, as in really afraid, of what comes after the title.

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