Friday, January 27, 2006

Toronto Star has peanut moment in print

I swear that the Toronto Star needs a whole new slew of managing editors for letting this little dittie slide into print concerning former US President Jimmy Carter:
At 81, clear-eyed and calm, America's most beloved ex-president — who yesterday sanctified the Palestinian election as head of the 950-strong international observer mission — took the earthquake in stride.

I challenge the Toronto Star to prove it. And when the old geezer finally has dies there will not be the outpouring of grief that we witnessed over the death of Ronald Reagan but I will tell you how the crowd will break down. One third will be distressed, one third will come out of respect for the office of the presidency, and the final group of mourners will show up to ensure the little shit is really dead.

Most beloved ex-president my arse but he is in the running for worst American president ever.


Kathy said...

As for the Egypt-Israeli peace agreement, Anwar Sadat deserves the lion's share of credit for that. Jimmy Carter is the most to blame for the problems we have with terrorists today. When the Ayahtolla stormed our embassy in Iran and held over a hundred Americans captive for over a year without the spineless wimp doing anything about it, terrorists learned that they can attack us at will without fear of our fighting back. Carter is such a coward, he didn't dare incur the predictable criticism from Europe he would get if he didn't just bend over for it. He is one of the most worthless presidents we ever had.

-- Kathy K (At the Zoo)

K. Shoshana said...

Jay, I was attempting to characterize those who would actually show up at a Carter funeral. I suspect that a good portion of America would just carry on doing whatever they would normally do on any given day.