Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Political Soulmates or just Kin?

I was not blogging particularly much during the holidays but I always checked in with Neale News. Quite frankly, I was a little at a loss when Brian Neale went on vacation and put his site on hiatus. Brian is back and in fine form as this recent headline at Neale News attests:


What Canadian can in all honestly exclaim any surprise that crooks/thugs in jail won’t vote Tory but Liberal is all right. After all, there has been this disturbing trend in recent years among Liberal party members/supporters to mimic the actions of the incarcerated criminal class. It’s only natural that the crooks hold the Liberals as a kind of political soul mates. But for G-d's sake; please tell me that only Canadians are daft enough in allowing a criminal incarcerated class the right to vote.


rewrite said...

This article is bang on. What is most troubling is that voters fall for Paul Martin's dewey eyed smarmy warnings about the conservative "hidden agenda" and continue to support him. It looks like we are going to end up with another Liberal minority, in which case we will have the government we deserve. Its disgusting that the East keeps falling for this.

Anonymous said...

No comment on your post itself - but did you read the article?

I found this hillarious:

""It is one of our basic rights," says the 27-year corrections veteran. "I feel we should have to earn it.""

What stunning logic from an administrator, huh?

You apparently have "to earn" basic rights.

K. Shoshana said...

I didn't laugh but it did make me cringe. I understood the geist of what I presume the correction's officer meant, but its really a malise of modern society when legislative rights are confused for natural or inalienable rights.. I think I am expressing this poorly but the table wolves need to be feed and I hope that you get the geist of what I am trying very inarticulately to say.

Anonymous said...

Mere consequences of exclusion...or some godamn thing.