Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Unabashedly American: Fox News Network

I started to watch Fox News Network because of the curiosity factor. I have been monitoring the network for the past month and have some general observations. First thought that hit me is that this is an American broadcast from a distinctly American viewpoint. There is no pretense that the station is trying for a truly "international" flavour. If Fox takes on the international market it will do so from a strictly American viewpoint rather than an internationalist agenda. Not only does Fox sound like America; it is unapologetically American. No American apologists at Fox and what a contrast to the apologetically Americanization of CNN.

Then there is the sound of Fox. None of those generic accents at Fox that make so many North American broadcasters sound like they are all from the same region of North America. Fox has the diversity of accents in all its wondrous varieties. This is the diverse sounds of America that I remember from traveling through.

When an issue at Fox gets debated there is readily understood a true divergence of opinion. There is no highlighting left and lefter opinion, no shades of nuance at Fox. Fair and balanced? I am not so sure about that but despite the rhetoric; impassioned pundits get an equal opportunity to get their cheap shots or digs in, and hard questions are being asked more often than not. That is, in itself, a revelation in broadcast cable news.

No Larry King. Enough Said.

G-d makes the lexicon in ordinary speech at Fox. Broadcasters do not hesitate to affirm their faith or invoke the name of G-d. Imagine Peter Mansbridge invoking the name of G-d or affirming his religious viewpoint? Not going to happen unless he is reporting on the actions of alleged evil Christians attempting to encroach on the rights of the others. Furthermore, the actual broadcasters will not hesitate to take a personal stand on an issue and let the viewer know where their bias is coming from. It is all front and centre, in your face. No guess work required.

Many in Canada were surprised and shocked that George W. Bush won re-election to the American presidency and it shouldn’t have been, unless you were spending all your time reading Canadian Mainstream Media and watching CNN, and as such, you were not only poorly served but misinformed.

Yesterday and today, while I was watching Fox’s morning show they took the time to acknowledge that Fox was now being broadcast to Canadians and they encouraged Canadians to take the time to write in and tell them what we think, and what we would like to see in Fox. So, time to step up to the mark people and send your 2 cents to

1 comment:

Darcey said...

It is really interesting to read this. I can't bear to watch it anymore. It gets hard to ward off American views 24/7 and be objective. However the same happens in Canada. I talk to friends/family back home and they rely CBC/CTV to form their views. As far as Fox goes however, I would put that on first before CBS or ABC.