Monday, January 24, 2005

The Knights of Columbus: the latest lamb to the slaughter

I am going into my psychic mode and predict that the BC Human Rights Tribunal will rule in favour of the lesbian couple that attempted to rent a Catholic wedding hall from the Knights of Columbus and had their booking cancelled once officials at the Knights of Columbus realized that it was being rented for a same-sex marriage reception.

The couple claims they had no idea that the Knights of Columbus was a Catholic men’s organization despite the fact that the Knights of Columbus has been in existence since 1881 or is so widely identified as a Catholic organization that even Archie Bunker knew it was filled with Papists. C’mon ladies, you have to do better than that.

But here’s the real deal. Ladies, you base your claim for discrimination on the fact that the hall is being rented to the general public per say. And as such, you believe that the owners of the hall have no right to refuse any member of the general public the use of their hall. No doubt the BC Human Rights Tribunal will rule in your favour as these types of organizations are apt to do regardless of the rights of the religious.

And yet, if the Knights of Columbus refused to rent the hall to Hookers R Us Reunion Ball-no one would utter a peep. You deliberately target a Catholic organization and then cry foul when the Catholic organization will not allow their facilities to be used for any purpose that Catholic Church would not sanction. You will win your suit, but it won’t win you the respect or approval from the Catholic Church on your union that you seem to crave. Two thousand years of catechism will not change for your sensibilities or even mine; though I am pained that the rights of the religious will be offered up as the sacrificial lamb on your quest for societal legitimacy and relentless need for public approval.

Caveat: I don’t give a pig’s arse who marries whom. I would rather see the government oversee civil unions and leave the whole question of marriage to the religious communities, furthermore, I find it repugnant that the government is being calling forth to pass judgment on the catechism of religious communities.

(tipped off by Neale News)

1 comment:

John the Mad said...

Well I, as you know, do give a pig's arse about who marries whom.

As the son of a former Grand Night I am saddened by this tale, but not at all surprised. This is simply wicked.