Monday, December 06, 2004

Are you the kind of person -

that feeds the hungry or will you teach the hungry to fish?

It is not often that I quote directly from another’s blog, but Eric at the Straight White Guy so succinctly captured what the Spirit of America is all about:

The Spirit of America is doing is incredible… it is multi-faceted, and what’s more, it is necessary…. and of course, it is noble… . actually making a difference in the lives of people…. is there any more noble charge that can be gifted to us?… very few that I can think of…. and yes, I meant to say that… gifted… because, truly, we are a gifted bunch…. Providence has put in a position where we can assist in helping people to help themselves… regardless of how you feel about the War… be it right… or be it wrong… donate now…

Read the rest here.

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