Thursday, October 25, 2007

Wearing a head scarf does not cause traffic accidents.

No one has ever accused the Israelis of being the most culturally sensitive people on the face of the earth but one of the things they have obviously got right is their sensibleness concerning the whole head scarf thingy on Muslim women. I read a minimum of three Israeli dailies and have been doing it for years and years, but I have yet to see the level vitriol and bile which comes into play concerning the dress (or lack of) in Muslim women which happens when it gets discussed in Canada.

If a woman believes it is her religious duty to swab herself from head to toe far be it from me to criticize her conscience and dictate her level of religious observance. It doesn’t mean I don’t think the whole body wrapped thing is not wacked, but let us not loose our reason over it. Furthermore, to suggest an accident is caused by a woman wearing a head scarf – we need to take a long pause before we go from the sublime into the outer edges of the absurd.

My grandmother had the biggest head scarves known to man and she worn them regularly when she drove her car. There wasn’t an Islamic bone in her body. Get a grip people as there isn’t a Mohammed hiding under every bed waiting to get you when the lights go out.

1 comment:

Balbulican said...

I'm also thinking of the wimpled nuns who, for decades, before the big Vatican II switch to civvies, drove in full medieval attire.

I guess there just isn't enough to get upset about in the world. That's hadn't been my experience, but I must be wrong.