Tuesday, October 16, 2007

From the outer edges of the human gene pool

Let me decisive. If you can see the image of the former pope in flames I want you to know modern medicine has drugs for this condition. All kinds and in different strenghts. Barring a refusal to take the cure, I do have an old holy grilled cheese sandwich I can sell you.


SnoopyTheGoon said...

To me the picture says "do not put the potatoes in yet, wait to the fire to subside". But I'm a known heretic...

Balbulican said...

One video field on an interlaced video scan lasts approximately 1/30th of a second. That means in one minute of video shot of a campfire, there are 1,800 random shapes. Hey, look, there's a pope, the silhouette of North America, the letter T, an elephant...

It must be a bloody boring afterlife if dead Popes are rematerializing in campfires and the Virgin Mary has nothing better to do than manifest in a Chicago underpass. I sure hope they issue Ipods.

K. Shoshana said...

Balbulican, I cannot remember which modern philosopher it was who suggested hell was simply a waiting room in the next life...but he might have a point.

I just cannot understand the mentality of those who see alleged images of "holiness" in food or underpasses or flames. Undiagnosed and untreated mental illness is rampant...holy pancakes...oy.

I think SnoopytheGoon has the only sane response to Flaming Pope on the bbq.