Friday, October 12, 2007

So tell me this

I have often thought my biggest problem in life is that my brain doesn't seem to be hardwired like the other people around me. Big topic at the water cooler yesterday was the "low" voter turnout in the province. Forget about nightmare scenarios at the polling stations for a minute.

Here is what I really do not understand. Why is having a low voter turn out an issue?

If any given adult, who is eligible to vote, chooses of his/her own free will not to exercise their vote; why is that a problem or an issue for anyone?

Some people are perfectly happy with not having a say in the legislative process. Others want to be involved. So what? I realize there are certain NDP supporters who labour under the delusion that if every eligible adult voter in Ontario got out and voted; Howard Hampton would be Premier of Ontario. This is just flatout wrong.

So why is it necessary for every eligible voter to vote, so necessary in fact, that there are those who want to legislate mandatory participation in the electoral process. I just don't get it.


Balbulican said...

Compulsory voting was one of the topics touched on yesterday by Ottawa's right wing talk radio demiurge, Lowell Green. He supported it, apparently for the same reason you attribute to "certain NDP supporters". In his view, Ontarians are natural conservatives, like decent people everywhere, and, if forced to vote, will vote blue.

Seemed like a strange take from the end of the political spectrum that traditionally favours LESS government direction.

Anonymous said...

"Seemed like a strange take from the end of the political spectrum that traditionally favours LESS government direction."

Less? No, no, my friend. Just different. They still want to run your life, just like the nanny staters.


Chris Taylor said...

I have a Brazilian pal who just got his Canadian citizenship this summer. He has resolutely refused to vote despite being briefed on the ins and outs of our political system.

Voting is compulsory in Brazil, and refusal to do so results in a fine plus denial of passport or government job (and yes, my friend had both a passport and a government job). So he's rather happy to exercise his right to avoid voting here.

K. Shoshana said...

I have no idea who Green is but he sounds like a Rush wannabe and a
paleo to boot….but be that as is it may, I suggest I am a on a little
firmer ground than Green. Electoral reform in Canada has become a
cause celebre for both the NDP and progressives supporters.

In fact, MMP was heavily championed by the lefties..though, no doubt,
if you are motivated to dig long and hard enough, you can always come
up with a few conservatives who supported the cause…..Furthermore,
just why is Fair Vote Ontario – Fair Canada manned so heavily by
NDP/Progressive supporters? Then there was Liberal (as in left of
centre) Senator Mac Harb and his bill to make voting
mandatory….certainly not a Harper platform (well at least not yet but
I fear the longer he stays in power the further left he drifts)

But actually, you have hit on one of my big sins. I really have been
far too quick to snark or demonize those who disagree with me
politically. Contrary to the Green's of the air waves, I really do
believe decent people can vote NDP or even Green – even if I still do
believe they are utterly misguided.

BHCh said...

Everyone should vote in NDP-world. Just like when 100% voted for Stalin and Saddam.