Tuesday, May 08, 2007

He said, she said, Hamas said - did not.

Yadda, yadda. Hamas is threatening to murder kidnapped soldier Cpl. Gilad Schalitt if Israel launches a defensive operation into the Gaza Strip reports the Jersualem Post:
Hamas's armed wing, Izzadin a-Kassam, has threatened to execute kidnapped IDF soldier Cpl. Gilad Schalit if the army enters Gaza, Israel Radio reported on Tuesday.

In an as-yet-unpublished statement to a Palestinian Web site, the group's spokesman, Abu Obaidah, was quoted as saying that if the IDF carries out a military incursion in Gaza, Schalit's life could be in clear danger, and he may even be killed. "One way or another, it is in the hands of Izzadin Kassam," Obaidah said in the statement. Shortly after the report was released, Hamas sources in Gaza denied that Abu Obaidah had made any such statement.

Okay, so no one is sure whether Hamas will murder Cpl. Schalit. Somehow that seems entirely fitting since no reputable third party (like say - the Red Cross) has been able to confirm that Cpl. Schalitt is indeed still counted among living.

Too bad the Olmert has so little creditability left that he cannot take Israel MK Yisrael Katz’s excellent suggestion and advise the Palestinian Authority; if Shalitt is murdered - its open season on the entire Hamas government and have anyone or their grandmother believe he’s is serious.

1 comment:

Neo Conservative said...

what on earth are you talking about?

when someone says hamas, the first thing that pops into my head is law and order.
