Thursday, September 21, 2006

Let’s invade Turkey and rename the country “Chicken”

I just received an email from a friend passing on that joke, at least, I am assuming it’s a joke to suggest that Canada invade anyone, let alone Turkey, but there is a kind of twisted quirky appeal in the idea. Whatever would the UN say? If Canada invades Turkey, and the USA is known as the Big Satan and Israel the little Satan; what does that make Canada - Beelzebub?

Anyhoo, he also sent a follow-up link from the Guardian Unlimited reporting on the British writer who was on trial in absentia in Turkey for insulting “Turkey” (the country not the bird). She has been acquitted.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Even old New York,
Was once New Amsterdam.
Why they changed it I can't say
People just liked it better that way....

Istanbul was Constantinople
Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople,
So if you have a date in Constantinople,
She'll be waiting in Istanbul!

Sorry, I couldn't help myself!

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