Monday, August 14, 2006

How long before the maddening crowd demands HRM dons a burqa?

If you needed more proof that Londonistan is just a few Imman and a couple of births away - the Daily Telegraph is reporting this:
A five-year-old girl's passport application was rejected because her photograph showed her bare shoulders. Hannah Edwards's mother, Jane, was told that the exposed skin might be considered offensive in a Muslim country. The photograph was taken at a photo-booth at a local post office for a family trip to the south of France. Because of the way the camera was set up, the picture came out showing Hannah's shoulders.

The family had it signed and presented it at a post office with the completed form but were told that it would not be accepted by the Passport Office. A woman behind the counter informed them that she was aware of at least two other cases where applications had been rejected because a person's shoulders were not covered.
Link in and take a gander at the inappropriate shoulder action that a British Passport Office has deemed too immodest for a 5 year old girl.

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