Friday, August 18, 2006

back to the stone ages

Don’t ask me why, but my computer decided to fry its circuits this morning. I suspect it’s a bad bout with a virus; so much for firewalls and anti-virus software. I have enlisted the Techno-Stoner to come and see what can be done this weekend to get the machine up and running again. I cringe to think of the financial contribution I will have to make to the local grow-op community in order to get the Black Baron up and running again.

I could live without the Black Baron per say; it’s just that lying in some kind of cyber alternative dimension are approximately seven “unbacked-up anywhere else” chapters of my book and a great blog post on how and why I had to buy the Cadillac of toilet seats – kind of When Biology is Destiny Part 2: Adolescence. If nothing else I need the Techno-Stoner to run a salvage operation.

I am not completely without a computer. There is Pentium 2 Sally in the corner, and when I go home tonight I will hook her up to the internet, but how am I suppose to play online games with a Pentium 2? Needless to say, blogging will be slow and full of angst.


Gordon Pasha said...

Get the hard disk our of it and plug it into another machine as an accesory drive, so you can copy stuff from it. Be quick about it, before the stoner touches it, and learn to back things up. Just sayin'.

K. Shoshana said...

I know, I know - Back-up. Back-up. Back-up - my new mantra. I have three options, the hard drive might be fried, or it could be the motherboard, which while not good, means that I can recovery what is on the hard drive. Personally, my preferred option is that its the memory cards. Memories are cheap.