Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Do all dead babies look alike?

For whatever reason, I just could not go to bed early last night, and subsequently, I was real late dragging my sorry self out of bed. The first day back after a long weekend finds my desk swamped, so blogging will be light until I get my “work” legs back under me. If you are looking for a read, try the 57th Carnival of Liberty by the Life, Liberty and Property blogs which is being hosted at Socratic Rhythm Method.

Or you could read the Islamic Republic News Agency report about the massacre of 40 –Oh, I mean, 1 Lebanese civilian in Houla yesterday. Be sure to take a good look at the baby pictured in the article. It’s probably just me, but I would have sworn that I saw the same dead baby at the Qana “Massacre” last week. Am I to infer that all dead Lebanese babies now look alike – or is it only to Iranians that they do?

(h/tip An Unsealed Room)

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