Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I just had one of those personal Damascus moments: I am a raving idiot.

I read this article from the Globe and Mail:
Prime Minister Paul Martin called on the United States to shoulder responsibility for cross-border gun smuggling that leads to crime in Canada.

Mr. Martin's insistence that the United States must take responsibility for guns flowing across the border comes as the government prepares a gun-crime package including stiffer sentences, a better witness-protection program and money for community crime-prevention programs to confront an issue that has become politically hot, especially in the Liberals' Toronto stronghold.

And my first thought is what an asshat our Prime Minister is to even suggest such a thing. My next thought after gasping was to contemplate the breadth of Mr. Dithers’ chutzpah in suggesting that the United States should “shoulder responsibility for cross-border gun smuggling that leads to crime in Canada.” If illegal hand guns are being smuggled into Canada the blame needs to be firmly laid at the door of the Canadian agencies responsible for securing our borders, and not a foreign government.

That’s when I realized I was a flaming idiot for thinking this. This is the new Canada where no one is ever responsible for anything and everyone is a victim. How positively unpatriotic of me not to instinctively advance the Canadian Blame America First Platform at every opportunity.

No doubt next week there will be some study published in Canada that will attempt to prove that those who commit gun crimes in Canada do so because they were unduly influenced by watching far too much American television or movies - instead of the CBC.


Chris Taylor said...

I'm curious about the other 50% of gun crimes, committed using guns (legal or illegal) not from the United States. Clearly this unnamed jurisdiction's gun manufacturers can also be sued into the posture of submission.

EKENYERENGOZI Michael Chima said...

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

Canadianna said...

When it isn't your fault, you don't have to do anything about it. The Liberals have this down to an art -- when in doubt, blame the Americans. Even if people think you're wrong, they'll think you're right.

NotClauswitz said...

the other 50% of gun crimes, committed using guns (legal or illegal) not from the United States LOL - Yeh, go try and sue Norinco!! ROFLMAO