Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The Innate Folly of Leaving Genocide up to the Jews

I concur with Baron Bodissey of Gates of Vienna – this ranks as the best Quote of the Day taken from an article by Julia Gorin in Jewish World Review:
The hope is that if Israeli "genocide" of Palestinians (or "terrorist attacks and slaughter" as Ms. Wold terms it) is cited often enough, it will bring international peacekeepers in to tie Israel's hands and be at the mercy of the world. Why else would everyone get so angry when two or three Palestinian civilians are killed in the course of military responses to massacres? It's the agonizingly slow pace of this genocide! The displaced Arabs started out with 400,000; they screamed genocide and became four million. This is what happens when you leave genocide up to Jews.
Here’s the link for the whole article.

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