Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Things about liberals which give me pause

Winnie Madikizel-Mandela has been barred from entering Canada and I am okay with that; but what I have a hard time understanding is why the Governor General, the Ontario Lieutenant Governor, the Ontario Premier, the Mayor of Toronto, and liberal MP Bill Graham, and liberal party member Bob Rae would write letters of support for an opera glorifying the life of a woman convicted of 68 counts of theft and fraud, and in the kidnapping and murder of a 14 year old boy.

Of course, I also have a hard time understanding why a federal grant was allegedly given to produce this opera but that is another blog post.

Is black on black crime now acceptable in Canada? Does the life a 14 year old black teenager mean less than nothing among our liberal political betters?

1 comment:

Blazingcatfur said...

I believe it is referred to as the soft racism of low expectations.