Monday, June 04, 2007

I have never seen an army so in desperate need of a little Israelity-genuity

I realize now that the Lebanese Army has decided to side with the West and root out Islamic radicals in their midst we are all to be supportive, but geeze how; long does it take to take over a refugee camp with reputably only a 100 or so “militants” with no re-supply line in sight? The Lebanese Army cut off water and electricity to the camp 15 days ago.

The Israelis won the Golan Heights, the West Bank, Gaza and the Sinai in six days. The Americans completed the invasion of Iraq in less than 22 days. This action has been ongoing since May 20th. It’s not like the Lebanese Army has to be particularly mindful of civilian casualties and/or collateral damage and have been given a seemingly military carte blanche via the UN to indiscriminate shell the refugee camp. So just how long is it going to take - realistically?

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