Thursday, April 20, 2006

As the worm turns

Originally, I started to blog because the Last Amazon wanted me to do it. I had never even heard the word "blog", let alone knew what one was until my daughter introduced me. She was curious not only about the opinions I hold, but how I came to think the way I do. So we made a pack. I would blog about anything that interested me and for her part; she would read it and email her thoughts or criticism of whatever I chose to comment on.

Hence, my introduction to blogging was just another form of dialogue between mother and daughter. In time, the dialogue was expanded to include other people’s sons and daughters, parents and grandparents. I have met some wonderful people and many of your emails have touched me deeply - while others have just met the delete key.

My mother has always told me that I should write books. I have always answered I would as soon as I had a story to tell. I finally found a story to tell last January and I have been busy writing on and off. It's been a bit of a hard slog writing the book and keeping up the blog. I find that I am only able to write when I am alone and being the mother of many means, I have very limited opportunities to be alone to write. For example, I was trying to finish a chapter after the boys got up last Monday. While I was busy writing in a final push to finish the chapter, my oldest son broke the toilet seat. His account is still a little vague and I can't quite picture in my mind how he managed to break it while he was bathing in the tub. I am chalking it up to one of those inexplicable male things.

The Last Amazon has advised me that she no longer can keep up her side of the bargain, and frankly, no one else engages me as much as she does. If she isn’t reading, I really don’t have much desire or motivation to keep blogging. So this is good-bye and farewell for now.


Chris Taylor said...

But Kateland, Mack Bolan Executioner #157 teaches us that you can never... leave... the Game!

Seriously, though, your blog is terrific. I'm sorry to hear it's coming to a close. Good luck on your book venture and wherever fortune leads you.

glenda said...

All I have to say is - fiction or non-fiction?

Darcey said...

I will certainly miss you everyday

scott said...

This New Brunswicker will miss the girl from the 'CHI very much. Happy writing.

MapMaster said...

For what it's worth, we enjoyed the one side of the dialogue we got to read. It's not the same kind of bargain, though, so we'll miss the Last Amazon blog very much.

Lisa & MapMaster

How will we know when the book is out?

Anonymous said...

You're. Joking. Right?

no sleep said...

"How will we know when the book is out?"

Try the bestseller lists.

Can I have an autographed copy?

Consider this an open invitation to guest post over at my place. Let me know by e-mail if you're interested.


The Monarchist said...

We expect and hope this will be a pause and not a goodbye. God Bless

The Monarchist

LB said...

Hey there Kateland...

Thanks so much for all your work. Mr. & Mrs. Lost Budgie hope that your words "for now" are the key phrase.



The Tiger said...

Best of luck!

Rob Huck said...

It's a darn shame.

Let us know if or when you're back and, until then, all the best.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully this is temporary.

Anonymous said...

I checked in every day or so and you were always a good read. Good luck on your book.

Jay Currie said...

Ah, but books, in time, are finished...let us know when you'll be back. We're not the Last Amazon, just people who have enjoyed your understanding of a strange world.

Be back soon...

Babbling Brooks said...

I hope to see you back blogging when you feel you have something important that just plain needs saying. I also hope you'll keep showing up at blogstravaganzas. They wouldn't be the same without you, Kate. Best wishes.

Candace said...

Well, sh*t. Who the hell can I turn to when the latest happening in the Middle East needs explaining (and I have time to care)?

I'll miss you. Hurry back.