Friday, February 18, 2005

Liberal Promises

Rarely does anyone not know where I stand, be it in blogdom or the real world. One of the most disappointing things about the Ontario provincial elections was the fact that the McGirlieman liberals were elected with a majority. In fairness, Ernie Eves was not my first choice in replacing Mike Harris and as I am not a member of the Conservative Party I don’t have a dog in that race; therefore my whine factor is reduced to a tisk, tisk level.

What I found so hard to reconcile about McGirlieman being elected for Premier of Ontario is that I only knew one other person who actually admitted to voting for the Liberal Party and I had a bet with that person. He bet me that if the Liberals lied about raising taxes he would graciously pay my portion. July 1, 2004 came and I gave him a call; then I called again, and again. Needless to say, I am still waiting for re-imbursement of my health premium. What are the odds that liberal guilt might be collective and I can collect here? Then again what are the odds that I will actually receive my prize from winning the US election pool? Ah, those liberals, they are so very prone to dithering that they become simply so incorrigible.

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