Monday, September 13, 2004

Grab and Bail

The problem with the Globe and Mail is that it operates on the same fiscal premises as the Liberal government. The Liberals will raise your taxes under the guise of saving "whatever" and then cut services. The Globe and Mail has just instituted a fee service for its online comment section but there is no added value. Do they really think that anyone will want to pay extra online to be able to read Heather Mallick? Or how about an editorial staff that cannot grasp that the pre-1967 "borders" of Israel were not borders at all but an Armistice line?

Today’s editorial recognizes that Iran’s nuclear ambitions do pose a serious threat to the free world but the editorial also contains this little gem:

It’s fair to ask whether the United States has contributed to this situation. It invaded Iraq, claiming there was an imminent threat, and found none. This makes it more difficult to make similar claims now about Iran. Likewise, the United States is over-extended militarily, in Iraq and Afghanistan. Given this, and the looming presidential election, the mullahs who rule Iran may feel they can proceed with impunity.

I cannot comprehend why as Canada’s "paper of record" it must insist on perpetrating the "imminent threat" myth of the invasion of Iraq. President Bush never stated that Iraq represented an "imminent threat" to the United States. What George W. Bush said in his State of the Union speech was this:
"Some have said we must not act until the threat is imminent. Since when have terrorists and tyrants announced their intentions, politely putting us on notice before they strike? If this threat is permitted to fully and suddenly emerge, all actions, all words, and all recriminations would come too late."

Though in fairness, US Senator Edward Kennedy did say:

"There was no imminent threat. This was made up in Texas, announced in January to the Republican leadership that war was going to take place and was going to be good politically. This whole thing was a fraud."

Personally, I always find it helpful in distinguishing between the two men to remember that Bush quit drinking and got the job in the Oval office whereas Teddy’s the Oval office wannabe who is still hitting his cups.

The Globe and Mail ends it editorial with this:

That’s why the IAEA, which meets today to consider Iran’s nuclear program, should refer the matter to the UN Security Council without delay. The sooner strong diplomatic and economic pressure can be brought to bear on Tehran, the better.

Yep, Strong words, a la Bill Graham/Pierre Pettigrew coupled with threats to cancel those Prairie wheat contracts should make those Mad Mullah’s curl up in the corner and purr like a kittens.

1 comment:

david said...

I gave up on the Globe about 10 years ago, then I took the Nat. Post but stopped when the Aspers took it over so now I just use the net NYT WSJ and WP plus Blogs. I believe that Canada has become irrelevant. No Armed Services, an inconsequential foreign policy, empty domestic policies, so who cares what we say or do. One good push and we'll fall over but why would anyone bother!, Sorry to sound so down but important things are happening out there and we are just not with it!