Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Summer of Love Democrats

Michael Moore rallies the troops with this:

Just for me, please? Buck up. The country is almost back in our hands. Not another negative word until Nov. 3rd! Then you can bitch all you want about how you wish Kerry was still that long-haired kid who once had the courage to stand up for something. Personally, I think that kid is still inside him. Instead of the wailing and gnashing of your teeth, why not hold out a hand to him and help the inner soldier/protester come out and defeat the forces of evil we now so desperately face. Do we have any other choice?

Michael Moore

The problem with the "Michael Moores" of the world is that they have never moved beyond the Summer of Love and they make the assumption that the rest of us hold that time sacrosanct as well. There very well may be a "long-hair soldier/protestor" residing in the core of John Kerry and that possibility is what frightens and turns independent/democratic voters against John Kerry.

What is to stop the inner "long-hair soldier/protestor" from emerging from John Kerry’s core once elected as the President of the United States? If past behaviour is the best barometer of future performance; electing John Kerry to the presidency could well be a harbinger that when the going gets tough that "long-hair soldier/protestor" might enter into secret negotiations with Osama bin Laden/Al Qaeda a la Madame Win Thi Binh, Paris, circa 1970-1971?

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