Friday, March 18, 2005

There is no Right to Murder your Wife

The Globe and Mail reports on the efforts of US politicians to keep Terri Schiavo alive against the wishes of her husband. Make no mistake; this is not a 'right to die drama' but a case of the right to murder your wife. Terri Schiavo is not on life support. There are no machines keeping her heart beating or air flowing through her lungs. I need my arms and hands to feed myself; in Terri’s case, she needs a feeding tube or she will starve to death. I would not hesitate to call death by starvation a cruel and unusual punishment. If you starved the family cat, dog, or child to death; you would be charged with a criminal offence.

I have really no more to add than what I have already said in September 2004 except that my prayers then and now remain with Terri’s family who are so valiantly trying to keep her husband from legally murdering his wife; their daughter and sister.


John the Mad said...

What is taking place in Florida is a complete travesty of human rights. It is judicially sanctioned murder.

Anonymous said...

I'm suprised no one has staged a hunger strike? That would certainly prove a point.