Thursday, March 17, 2005

Blog Links

There is one thing I have been remiss about it; it is linking to some very good blogs that for one reason or another that have not managed to slip onto my blogroll. Shannon Davis and Colby Cosh are just two examples of who should be on the blogroll. I read them fairly regularly, and yet, they haven’t made the blogroll until recently. I don’t always agree with them but there are worth my time.

All I can do is offer apologies and make sure to link to link them up. But it occurs to me where there are two there are probably many more so I have decided to do is set a public blog policy. If you are blogging away and think that I have for whatever reason overlooked your blog send me an email with your URL. I promise to check you out and even if I disagree with you but still think you bring something to the table of discourse - I will put you on the blogroll.

If you send me an URL and I don’t add you to the blog, take it as a sign that I am either too busy or that I fundamentally disagree with you enough that your blog is not worthy of my official notice. That doesn’t mean I won’t visit your blog now and then. Whenever I feel the need to lightened up, see how the other side blogs or just go slumming; I use someone else’s link to visit My Blag who always manages to provide gutter style comic relief.

1 comment:

Darcey said...

I had to laugh, I like to play sneak-a-peak too and keeping a few on my blogroll confirms my suspicion that they are good for traffic!