Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The Rebel Yell

Jay from Shiny Happy Gulag does not post as often as I would like but when he does - he is always worth reading. Check out this insert from Schiavo and Ofermod:
Again with those EEEEVIL right-to-lifers. Thanks for telling us — twice, in case there were any scintilla of doubt — that you believe people have no right to life, and that you think people who disagree with you are a bunch of morons who deserve nothing but derision and marginalization.

Now I know exactly where you stand. You are the enemy, Ms. Jacobs. You are the Viking on the causeway, and I, being less sporting and more responsible than Beorhtnoth of Essex, am not prepared to give you one single inch of ground.
I'll tell you what I'll do instead. I intend to go down fighting, taking whatever medical assistance I can get to keep me alive. I've struggled with chronic illnesses all my life, and I haven't given up hoping for a cure — or for a chance to do something useful in spite of my illness. Spontaneous remissions occur even from the worst diseases. Miracles, though you scoff at the very word, do happen. And cures for the gravest conditions are developed every year.

Life is not 'Survivor', Ms. Jacobs. We have no right whatsoever to vote each other off the island. I know perfectly well that the preservation of my life is very low on the list of society's priorities; if it were left up to a vote, I would probably be among the first to die — though not, thank God, as high on the list as poor Terri Schiavo. Given your cavalier attitude towards human beings, your self-righteous willingness to inflict grotesque suffering on them in pursuit of a misguided and monstrous principle — 'the right to die', indeed! — it may be that your death would be no less desired by the great mass of the human race than Ms. Schiavo's or my own.

Go read the whole post. And for the record, in case there is the slightest doubt in anyone’s mind, I will stand with Terri and Jay, any day and everyday.

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