Friday, November 16, 2007

How come the pollsters never poll me?

I get a number of friends and acquaintances suggesting things I should blog about all the time. Usually I hear them out and go my own way. A lot of the helpful suggestions are just things I don’t care about or even have nothing to say about. Sometimes I read things in the papers, day in and day out, and no matter how many articles are written, I just can’t get all blogged up the issues. I feel strangely out of whack when that happens.

What brings this on? Brian Mulroney. I thought he was a condescending sob and I didn’t much like him at the time but he wasn’t Trudeau and that was a relief. The man hasn’t been Prime Minister in about a gazillion years and hopefully it is relatively safe to eat tuna now; so like can we drop it and move on?

And for all those frustrated types who just can’t let go I offer this piece of advice. If you really want to poke Mulroney in the eye - just stop writing, talking or listening to the man. Trust me, being assigned to the dustbins of history with no hope of reprieve will rub him the wrong way more than a million official inquiries.


Anonymous said...

We know the Liberals stole $40 million dollars recently, we don't know if some guy is bullshitting about a $300K payment a dozen years ago.

Let's have a real inquiry into the millions of dollars stolen. Which Liberals stole what?

BHCh said...

It's not about Mulroney. Liberals are trying to prove that someone else is just as corrupt as them.

They can't figure out the difference between a corrupt indiviudal (even if he is a former PM) and a party.