Wednesday, April 20, 2005

I am all Poped out.

I am worn and weary by the news media coverage of both the death of Pope John Paul ll and the election of Benedict the Sixteenth as the new Vicar of Christ. I use to enjoy falling asleep in front of the bedroom television. The channel is usually set on CNN (because I don’t have a digital box in the bedroom) and nothing is more inducing of sleep than Larry King. But waking up with the words “Lord hear our prayer” on my lips as I unconscientiously respond to the frequent masses broadcasted on CNN at 4 am is just going too far. Now I am left to ponder if turning off the television in the midst of mass is a sin or not.

Here’s the skinny on the whole affair. John Paul ll was a mainstream Catholic Pontiff who did his best to follow the catechism of the Holy Roman Catholic Church – in this, he was neither a liberal or a conservative. The conclave has elected another mainstream catholic pontiff. For all those who long for the ordination of women, the blessings of same sex unions, abortion, in vitro fertilization, euthanasia, fetal stem cell research, birth control or fornication among the clergy; the Catholic Church is not for you. And for those of you who want all that; try the United Church. I hear they are always looking for new members and apparently it is easy to get a good pew on Sunday.

And for mainstream journalists; the group within the Catholic Church that wants to ordain women, bless same-sex unions, have abortions without sin, pull the tube on the old and young alike (just as long as they are helpless), use the Sharelife collections to sponsor fetal stem cell research and actively promote communion for those who break their vows before God are not considered “Liberal or Moderate” Catholics but they do represent the RADICAL FRINGE of the Catholic Church. Furthermore, Rosie DiManno - get over it; trust me, the fear you smell is not coming from Vatican.

1 comment:

Sue said...

I thought I was the only one who did that with CNN! I hear you on waking up to the masses in the middle of the night. At first, it was endearing, interesting. The rituals, the ceremonies fascinating. But this 3 week mass is a bit much!