Friday, November 26, 2004

Against All Flags: Hate, Fear & Smear

I fly the Red Ensign on my blog, I am a proud member of the Red Ensign Bloggers and I do so without hesitation, apology or regret. I harkened to the Flea’s call:
This country has also been a force for liberty. The third largest navy in the world fed Britain through the dark days of the Blitz and Hitler's north Atlantic wolf packs. This is the country that took Vimy Ridge and that stormed Juno Beach. Let's bring back that Canada.

I have read all the Red Ensign Bloggers blogs and there is not one member that I am not honoured to be associated with – even the so-called liberal ones (Do you know that Alan has a fish on his Red Ensign?)

Against All Flags seeks "to warn those might belong or those thinking to join this Brigade: don’t. There is a chance you could be connected in the public mind with these hate groups."

Against All Flags warns Red Ensign Blogger Alan: "Well, just you wait Alan until one of these guys claims to be a member of your ‘Red Ensign Brigade’. They tried to worm into the Reform Party and the Alliance. Why wouldn’t they try to associate themselves with your group?"

Really, Flynn, if you expended half the time you spent wading through hate groups by reading the Red Ensign Bloggers the answer would be self-evident.

Against all Flags asks: "I have yet to see one of you post a condemnation of the racists groups who are also flying the flag."

Flynn, unlike you, I do not have to denounce the fringe groups that claim the Red Ensign because everyday that I live and breathe is an act of denouncement of those very same fringe hate groups you chose to link to in your blog. Every day I blog is a denouncement.

Furthermore, I wouldn’t submit when I taunted as a child, I didn’t submit to the hatred of those who denounced me for being a "mud-person" or a Jew, so I shall certainly not submit to your politics of fear and smear.

And I shall blog proudly under the Red Ensign.


K. Shoshana said...

Possibly, but I loathe that kind of wonder bread smugness.

Andrew said...

Have you seen Flynn's latest posting? The wonderkid is trying to get the Red Ensign listed as an official symbol of hate.

Unknown said...

Can't help but note that he's dropped commenting on his blogs. Got Brigaded, he did. And enough already with Alan and his Fish!