Monday, February 18, 2008


After I had been blogging a couple of months I started to see phrases I turned or coined in my blog appearing at various other places. At first, I put it down to coincidence as in ‘like minds’ and all that. Then whole paragraphs of my writing started appearing without any reference or acknowledgement to my blog as the original source. The kicker came when I received a chain mail email quoting me extensively and claiming the piece was written by another blogger. Much email hilarity ensued after my the initial wrath had passed.

Eventually I learned to accept that as long as I wrote publicly there would always be someone who would misappropriate my words and thoughts which is why no details or excerpts of my book has appeared on the blog. I thought this was one of the perils of being an unknown writer but now I am not so sure. Who would have thought Robert Fisk would be victim of a literary name theft? I suggest this is what we call being 'frisked'.

h/t Sandmonkey

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