Friday, July 01, 2005

Remembering Dominion Day or a time when “Hell yes, Of Course, You Can Count on Us” was a Canadian Mantra

July the 1st is a national holiday known as Canada Day. It was not always so. From 1867 until October 26, 1982 it was known as Dominion Day and was a day to celebrate our long national heritage. On October 27, 1982 the Liberal government under the leadership of Pierre Elliot Trudeau (may he be soon united in the afterlife and consigned to spend all of eternity with his long-time pal Fidel Castro) decided the best way to celebrate Canada’s heritage and history was to change it. Hence, the new name to reflect a year zero in Canadian history.

I stopped celebrating Dominion Day when it became Canada Day. I have yet to have it explained rationally why the Dominion of Canada needed to repatriate the constitution. I failed to see what was wrong with the old constitution and I have yet to see or experience any benefit as a Canadian citizen I have from reaped from patriating the constitution in the first place. I came early to the conclusion in my young and uber-liberal mind that it was all a Liberal smoke and mirrors scam to deflect criticism on Liberal mismanagement of the economy and the country. I may not be considered an uber-liberal anymore but nothing I have learned since has changed my first initial impression.

Canada’s last great act as nation occurred two years before the changing of the name and the repatriating of the constitution. It did not occur under Pierre Trudeau or the Liberal Party’s watch, nor do I think it would have been possible or conceivable for any Liberal government in the last 40 years to have the necessary courage or fortitude needed to accomplish it.

Shortly after the fall of the Shah of Iran in early 1979 student followers of the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (Iran’s first Mad Mullah) stormed and seized the American Embassy and took hostage all Americans found within the building. Six Americans managed to escaped and sought sanctuary at the Canadian Embassy. John Sheardown, the top immigration official at the Canadian Embassy in Tehran was the initial contact for the Americans. When he was asked if he would provide assistance his response is reported to have been, “Hell yes. Of course, you can count on us.” With the full backing of the Conservative Prime Minister of Canada, Joe Clark, Ken Taylor, the Canadian Ambassador and his wife housed two of the Americans while John Sheardown and his wife opened their home to the other four and hide them for nearly a year until they could be safely smuggled out of Iran at great risk to themselves, their families and Canadian Embassy personnel.

In fact checking my sources to write this blog I found a Government of Canada website developed and designed as a research guide for teachers entitled The Trudeau Years 1968-1984. There is a suggested lesson plan that focuses almost exclusively on Trudeau’s alleged accomplishments.

Under the segment designed as suggested essay topics my personal favourite was question 17:
17. What did Canada do for the Americans after the fall of the Shah of Iran? (The Canadian embassy in Tehran sheltered five American diplomats who had escaped the Iranian militants under the Ayatollah Khomeini, and with the full backing of the Canadian government helped smuggle them out of the country using false Canadian passports.)
It certainly leaves one with the impression that the sheltering and smuggling out of Iran six Americans (not 5 as published on the Canadian Government’s website) during the Mullah revolution was an accomplishment of the Trudeau years when nothing could be further to the truth.


Temujin said...


It's a shame we can't really be counted on anymore by anyone to do anything like that.

But thanks for the history lesson, I'll remember that.

Canadianna said...

I was not terribly politically aware back then. I remember Ken Taylor, and I actually voted for him in the "Greatest Canadian" thing CBC had last year, but I didn't remember that all that took place under Clark's administration. That few years in politics was so messy, I can never keep track of timelines. Thanks for clarifying.
Revisionist history, sponsored by the government -- who'd have thought?

Anonymous said...

The utter stupidity of the left continues. It doesn't surprise me that they would attempt to rewrite history in there own image. They've scandalously wrecked everything else on there path to creating a socialist dictatorship.

I am no longer Canadian by choice, but only consume space here until it breaks apart from which our province will rise out of the ashes as a new nation..... coming soon...

Linda said...

Excellent post. I find it ironic that the first word in the glossary below the 'lesson' is:

absolute: unconditional, unlimited (power).

It is certainly descriptive, in that this is how 'Philosopher King' Trudeau fancied himself as a ruler. He certainly managed to severely undercut Parliament's influence and role when he brought in the 'Charter of Rights' - it was a quiet revolution and Canadians fell for it hook, line and sinker...

Justthinkin said...

What can one expect from a government who thinks we landed in Norway on D-Day and that our grestest contribution to WWI was at Vickers Ridge,not Vimey Ridge!The Communists rewrote history,and our current crop of commies are no different.This is a war against Canada and all she once stood for,and as we all know,in war,the first casualty is TRUTH.