Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Carnie Men

If you needed any further proof of the moral bankruptcy of the Democratic party the snake oil salesmen have taken their side show on the road.

John Edwards, as reported by Drudge:
'We will stop juvenile diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and other debilitating diseases... When John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve are going get up out of that wheelchair and walk again.' Edwards made the unprecedented campaign promises during 30-minute speech at Newton High School gym in Newton, Iowa...


Andrew said...

"Moral Bankruptcy" is such an over used and, IMO, mis-used term these days. It seems it's a favorite among Bush supporters though, because they are forever spouting off about it.

Neither Bush's Republicans or Kerry's Democrats are morally bankrupt. Both have their good sides and their bad sides - to suggest otherwise is sheer fiction or blindness.

Yes, Edwards' is off his rocker when he promises that miracles are going to happen overnight if Kerry is elected - but no more so than Bush or Cheny when they say that the Iraq quagmire is improving, even as their own intelligence forces are saying the opposite.

Keep some perspective - don't lock into one viewpoint, and for pete's sake - don't peddle such over-used and meaningless cliches like "morally bankrupt".

K. Shoshana said...

You feel moral bankruptcy is a "cliche" phrased...but it conveys my meaning clearly and immediately and don't say you aren't warned when I tell you that I will use it again.

"Neither Bush's Republicans or Kerry's democrats are morally bankrupt..."this is where you and I differ.I perceive a clear difference between the two parties, and one of the greatest differences is over morality. Furthermore I don't buy into your moral relevancy. The Republicans have no Christmas in Cambodia, VC the Wonder Dog or Magic Hat moments in this election nor will you find Cheney telling you that when his ticket is elected the paralyzed will walk.

You may find moral bankrupty hackneyed but I dread "quaqmire." Iraq is many things but a quaqmire it is not. Where Coalition forces stand at this moment - is in the middle of the transformation process of Iraqi society. I would be prepared to tell you Iraq is a quaqmire when recruitment among Iraqis for both the police forces and army are down but they are not, and the security situation is improving bit by bit. The vast majority of Iraqis in the country are not supporting either the native or foreign "terrorists".

So for Pete's sake - don't peddle such over-used cliches like quaqmire.