Monday, April 30, 2007

Olmert's Theme Song - I will survive

I came home from work and decided I’d better check in with Ynet News, in the off chance, I would have to publicly eat crow mixed in with mucho grande portions of humble pie concerning the state of politicking in Israel in light of the interim Winograd report:
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said he would hold a special cabinet meeting to discuss the conclusions of the Winograd report on the failures during the Second Lebanon War. In a special TV address Olmert stressed that he would not resign, and said he planned to appoint a team devoted to "swiftly learning the report and implementing the lessons it requires."

At a meeting of Kadima ministers earlier, Olmert said, "The report is indeed harsh, but I have no intention of resigning. "I have no doubt that lessons must be learned," continued Olmert, "But Israelis have a tendency of not letting people correct their mistakes. There will be no possibility of drawing conclusions if we enter a political crisis. I intend to continue drawing these conclusions with you."

The atmosphere at the meeting was tense, especially after the first cracks appeared in the party's support for Olmert. Most of the ministers stood by Olmert, while Vice Premier and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni remained silent.

Apparently, Israel Our Home party (Yisrael Beiteinu) has resolved to remain part of the Kadima coalition and Ha’artez carried this comment from Labour MK Matan Vilnai:

Labor MK Matan Vilnai also cautioned against infighting. "Now is not the time for political battles," he said. "The future of the political figures will be determined by the public."

And this from a spokesman Shas:
Infrastructure Minister Eli Yishai of Shas said that it is imperative to implement the report rather than making it into an internal battle.

Yes, well there is that but… how is it one can now teach old dogs new tricks? I betcha Olmerts knows all the words to Gloria Gaynor’s ‘I will survive’ and is busy humming it now. I, on the other hand, will feast on grilled steak, salad and green beans.

Ynet News carries excerpts from the Winograd report here.

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