Friday, April 27, 2007

Interview Meme

Two quick posts before the boys come home from the gym and demand dinner.

Ocean Guy has this Interview Meme going and I volunteered to play. After I hit the 'send' button, I realized that I have no idea what he would ask. This could potentially create whole new series of issues for me. Especially, if I were to answer honestly a million and one personal questions I could think to ask myself off the top of my head.

Not only do I have my own personal mounds of private laundry but so do most of the members of my family. I think it’s a genetic thing – much like the blood curse or Tiki thingies. Of course, the only exception is my mother but she gets really annoyed even if I make the slightest mention of her in passing on the blog. And this is way too public a forum to hang up my big girl panties on the line. Not to mention I could find myself living in the proverbial family doghouse for another 20 years….

The Last Amazon has turned into a bit of a family venue. Originally, it was a dialogue between my daughter and me. I wrote and posted, and she would emailed me her comments on my intellectual and/or editorial shortcomings. Eventually the dialogue expanded to include other people’s sons and daughters, aunts, uncles, grandparents etc. which was really rather cool. Then both my parents discovered I was blogging and started to read me regularly (not always so cool). My youngest has now taken to reading me after 2 years of indifference. He has turned into some kind of a child proto-type of a Stalinist KGB informer and gives regular briefings to his sibling pay-masters at the dinner table.

Anyway, I received the 5 questions and I got to say, Ocean Guy is a class act. And because he asked so nicely, I won’t even sell his email address to my Siberian spanner buddies - as is my habit. The thing is; the questions are really rather thoughtful and will take me a bit longer than I have time to answer tonight, but I will do it before the weekend ends.

One final thing. Isaiah Sender is off probation at his boxing club and has been officially added to the team roster. Tonight he gets his own gloves, bindings and skipping rope. I never doubted it but apparently he was really worried about not being “man” enough to be accepted – especially after watching his older brother in action at the club.

He kept asking me last night if I was going to blog about him being officially accepted into the world of man – abet as a junior member. Now I have, and I just want him to know I am very proud of my beloved son. I know it’s not always easy being number 3 in the Tribe, and I just want you to know that you will always have a one of three first places in my heart.

1 comment:

Darcey said...

Oh boy - would love to see that! Go boys!