Monday, March 19, 2007

Bureaucrats are the same everywhere

Apparently, the Israeli Ministerial Committee for Symbols and Ceremonies has officially decided that last summer’s war with Lebanon was actually a war; and consequently, the committee is in need of a name reports Ynet News:
The Ministerial Committee for Symbols and Ceremonies decided on Monday that last summer's conflict between Israel and Hizbullah in Lebanon will be defined as a war. The committee has not chosen a name for the war, and announced that suggestions for names should be transferred to the committee by Remembrance Day, at which time it will make its decision. It currently appears that the three final options which will be presented to the committee are: War of the North, Shield of the North War, and The Second Lebanon War.

It just strikes me as absurd that the Israelis have a ministerial committee to confer ‘warhood’ status on any conflict but it really goes a long way in understanding why daily rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip are not perceived as threat by the Kadima coalition. If the bureaucrats in charge of the Ministerial Committee for Symbols & Ceremonies do not recognize these attacks as war-like - why should the Kadima government?

As far as names go - I’m partial to "The Folly of the 3 Stooges".

1 comment:

Michael said...

I was thinking "The War that We Didn't Really Fight" would be pretty appropriate.